2 Events on 26 August, 2019 with 18 nationalities
Global economy and the impact of cross-border working relationships concern Expats and their families, HR, team-leaders and local teams. With this event we focus individually on the three main group concerned "spouses - international employees - HR and team-leaders" Opportunities and challenges especially here in the Rhine Valley and across boarders.
Spouse Event 12:30pm - 3:30pm
The challenge of a spouse - boxes are unpacked, partner at work, kids at school - now what? Don’t pause, the moment has come to put your passion into action!
Partners of working expats find themselves dropped in a new country confronted with challenges on all angles. What has been your greatest challenge since moving here and how would you like this chapter in your life to be written.
We spent an interesting afternoon at the "Setzchaschte" with Elevator Pitches, where women presented their businesses and our "Breakaway Topics" for Careers / Job Finding - with Jasmin Matt and Start/grow your own business - with Daniela Ospelt, Fiducia in Vaduz .
Event in the evening for Expat and all English Speakers 7:30pm - 9:30pm
The opportunities and challenges of living and working the Rhine Valley.
Having chosen to leave your home and start a brand-new life in the Rhine Valley surely provides excitement and the beginning of a new adventure. This step most probably comes with challenges and many unknows. Regardless of your personal circumstances, you are key to the success of this move.
It is your ability to adapt and blend that will set the tone for this new chapter. In this engaging, dynamic, and fun epm - presentation is given by Jake Doron who shares stories, personal experiences, hacks, and loads of insider tips that will help you feel better equipped for a smooth landing in our region, as well as shed some light on Switzerland’s unique history, culture, and business practices.
Presse: Die berufliche Neuorientierung oder ein Wiedereinstieg ins Arbeitsleben ist nicht nur für Schweizerinnen eine Herausforderung. Für Menschen, die aus aller Welt in die Schweiz ziehen, bedeutet dies meistens ein steiniger und langer Weg. Verschiedene Faktoren verhindern es, beruflich neu Fuss fassen zu können. Claudia Doron, seit 10 Jahren Relocation Beraterin in Buchs, organisiert deshalb am 9. Juni um 17 Uhr gemeinsam mit Partnern die Veranstaltung «kick-off@work» in Buchs. Kompetente Referenten informieren über den beruflichen Wiedereinstieg und weisen auf ein wert- volles Netzwerk im Lebens- und Arbeitsraum Werdenberg-Liechtenstein hin. Anmel- dungen werden ab sofort entgegengenommen. Press "Tagblatt"
Presse Tagblatt / Vaterland / Vol.at / Blog / Tagblatt
An Integration-fundraising & networking a win-win event for everyone. Over 100 people from over 20 countries participated in both rallies in 2014 & 2015. The money raised, went for a good cause in Congo.