Catching the perfect moment....

A a Certified Coach & Practitioner  of "Points of You" we use a tool "powerful language of photos". At the heart of our tools are visual card sets that ignite imagination, trigger intuition, provoke the mind and spark an authentic dialogue.


A cornerstone of the Points of You® method is the interaction between the right brain, the intuitive and emotional half of the brain, and the left brain, focused on logic and analysis. This occurs when we look at a photograph and a word at the same time. The photograph stimulates our right, creative, brain while the word activates the left, analytical, brain. The simultaneous stimulation of the two brain hemispheres creates a struggle between the emotional and the rational, momentarily “shorting out” the vigilant defense mechanisms of our mind. This “deliberate confusion” gives the mind a short respite from our preconceived ideas on how things “should” or “ought” to be, and allows our mind to open up to new places inside ourselves, shifting our point of view.


Since I work with these amazing tool, I discovered my love to take picture and capture the perfect moment. I made my own coaching tool and create greetings cards. Here a few from my collection.



I love to be in the snow and in the dessert no matter what season and capture the perfect moment.


Thank you for showing interest in my pictures and